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Электровоз ЕL3-132 с составом из думпкаров, ОАО "Комбинат " Магнезит", Сатка


Электровоз ЕL3-132 с составом из думпкаров, ОАО "Комбинат " Магнезит", Сатка, Russia/Chelyabinsk region
Author: лёха | Picture taken: 24.XII.2023, published 27.XII.2023.
: 53
Comments (MSC):
    1. Very nice picture. Im living near opencast coal mine, where was really huge narrow gauge track system before(locomotives Škoda 17E). They have similar look like EL3. 17E and EL3 are still active in Kolubara/Serbia. Please more pictures like this one Regards from CZ. -- Rejze , 18:37
    2. Thank you! I was there on a day off and there was little traffic in the quarry, so there are not many photos of the EL3. But there will be a short video later. You can see more photos at the link [] -- лёха , 22:08
    3. Thank you for the link. I saw most of the pictures in the past already. I have also spent a lot of time around Satka(via google maps) - the railway network is there nice to see. Definitely would like to see the place in person, but its little bit long way out of here. Im looking forward to the video. -- Rejze , 22:36
    1. Here's another link for you [] You can use machinery translation -- Зильбергерц Печокин , 12:52
    1. Good article. I didnt know about Bakal before. Its a pity it doesnt exist anymore. Its sad that the industrial narrow tracks are slowly dying.. Thank you for the link. -- Rejze , 13:26

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