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Немецкий мотовоз DIEMA DFL60/1.6, купленный в Швейцарии в 2007 г. УЖД Озоли - Целиниеки


Немецкий мотовоз DIEMA DFL60/1.6, купленный в Швейцарии в 2007 г. УЖД Озоли - Целиниеки, Latvia
Author: Juergen Z. | Picture taken: 12.II.2010, published 20.V.2010.
: 22
Comments (MSC):
    1. Extended/adapted DIEMA DFL60/1.6 in daily service operations with peat truck over discharge pit -- Juergen Z. , 00:23
    2. Was it oroginally built for 750mm track? -- Dumbass in oil barrel (Чапитезин С., unverified) , 17:57
    3. Yes, this loco was built in 1982 for a swiss cement factory in for 750mm ... -- Juergen Z (Гадонов З., unverified) , 21:44
    1. Номер мотовоза случайно не │ Nr. 4525│ , по информации совпадает. -- LL (Нудачоренко Б., unverified) , 01:09
    2. Где можно найти его чертежи? -- Odstavec , 03:04
    3. Juergen, hi there ! Have you any idea where this loco's lay-out could be seen ? -- Дементьев Е. , 11:04
    4. Yes, it is DIEMA No 4525, the factory sign is in the cabin. Technical data: Type DFL 60/1 B-dh Power: 72 PS Gauge: 600-1.067 mm Weight: 8, 2 t Lenght: 4.300 mm Wheel-base: 1.300 mm This loco type is basically a DS60, what was renamed into DFL60 in the 1970s. About the plans, DIEMA became bankrupt in 1993, but there are some collections of its data and plans. I'll try to get some more info on that, but it will take time ... First help: [] -- JurgenZ (Гадонов З., unverified) , 12:38
    5. Correction: According to the number plate this loco has 83 PS and weight is 8, 0 Tons... -- Juergen Z. , 13:18
    6. Forgot to add - see operations in movie: [] -- Juergen Z. , 13:21
    7. Juergen, thanks a lot in particular for the movie. Impressive ! Odstavec, вон тут чел ссылочкой вам помог. Обещал еще поворошить инфу. -- Дементьев Е. , 14:00
    8. Прежнее место работы цементный завод ✓Brunnen∙? -- LL (Нудачоренко Б., unverified) , 14:56
    9. Yes, it was working in cement company Hürlimann in Brunnen, last years it was a reserve locomotive. Brunnen factory was close and reailway equipment sold. -- Juergen Z. , 15:11
    1. оранжевенький... -- Зефир Гадонов (Чапитезин С., unverified) , 19:31

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